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Compline during Advent

Jez writes: Our Advent theme is ‘Longing for Light’, and I’d encourage all of you to use this as a season of prayer for the light of Christ to shine — to bring to us and those around us, and to guide us into His future for us as we seek His path for St Dunstan’s. Please join me in saying Compline, an ancient form of night prayer amid the fears of darkness, daily (or nightly) during Advent. It is a reaching out for the presence of God in the midst of the fears of the (literal and figurative) night, and it feels like a reflection of where we are as a community, and indeed as a wider society.

Collect a paper booklet from the table in the narthex at church, or click here for a printable copy or to read on-screen. If you are praying together, you might use ‘bold’ and ’normal’ type responsively.

Even more Compline: sung every Sunday night by the Compline Choir of St Mark's Cathedral, Seattle: