[The Rev. Brennan McCurry is ordained by William Cliff, bishop of the diocese of Brandon. Photo: The Rev. Chris Pilon]
Entering the priesthood was said to be fraught with uncertainty by some recently ordained Anglicans even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Since mid-March, however, Anglicans seeking ordination have faced a new set of challenges: moving worship online while struggling with delivering pastoral care and other forms of ministry traditionally done in person, all amidst economic turbulence—not to mention difficulties of performing the ordination ceremony without violating distancing and hygiene protocols. This summer, as Canadians braced for a continuation of the pandemic, the Journal spoke with three recently ordained Canadians about their ordination services, and how they see the prospects for themselves and the church in this uncertain time.
Read Tali Folkins' article at anglicanjournal.com