Who's Who

Click on the photos to find out more about some of our leaders. 

Heather Robinson
  • Interim Minister
Debra Brown
  • Warden
ways we're involved in what God is doing outside of the church building:
  • The Gordon Head Refugee Sponsorship Constituent Group (aka The GHERKINS), made up of parish and non-parish members of the community, has sponsored Syrian refugee families since it was formed in 2015, and has recently welcomed a 3rd refugee family to begin a new chapter in their lives in Canada.
  • We run monthly services within nearby retirement community.
  • We collect in-kind donations for Our Placean inner-city community centre serving Greater Victoria’s most vulnerable.
  • We knit infant and toddler clothes for parishes in the North to give away or sell, and help pack what's been collected island-wide.  
  • We collect financial donations for ministries including: Primates World Relief & Development Fund, Threshold Housing and Sisters of St. John the Divine.
Our Wider Family
How we're connected in to Christians beyond St Dunstan's

The Anglican parish of St Dunstan doesn't 'go it alone'. We see ourselves as partners in God's mission in the world, along with Christians around the globe. More formally, though, we are part of a larger family. We are a proud part of the Anglican Diocese of British Columbia; those Anglican churches found on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands of the Salish Sea (Strait of Georgia), Broughton Archipelago and Kingcome Inlet. Informally, some have taken to calling us ‘the diocese of the islands and inlets’.

As a diocese, we are also part of the Anglican Church of Canada and the worldwide Anglican Communion. The Anglican Church of Canada is also in a ‘full communion’ partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.

In 2015, the diocese adopted a vision: Renewed Hearts, Renewed Spirits, Renewed People. Since then, we have embarked on a vision fulfillment journey to discern how God will guide us towards seeing our vision come to life in our parishes, communities and regions. Learn more about our diocesan vision on our diocesan website.