We’re delighted that you’re exploring the community of St Dunstan’s. We are a small but loing congregation who just recently made the difficult decision to worship in another space, so we look forward to meeting you Sundays at 10 am at St Peter's Lakehill, where you will find people from both the congregations of St Dunstan and Two Saints Church.

I’m not used to church…

No matter who you are, we'd love to welcome you. We recognize that walking into an unfamiliar place, among unfamiliar people, can be intimidating, but we think you’ll find us pretty relaxed. 

On the way in, someone will be very happy to answer questions or or show you to a seat. During the service, Heather always tries to explain what’s going on for those who may not be familiar.

What is the feel of the services?

We aim for a balance of liturgical and informal – of reflection and family fun. 10 am services last just under an hour.

Are children welcome?

Yes, absolutely! We love children and enjoy the noises and wriggliness of young life. There’s also a play area within the main church space.

How is your step-free access?

St Peter's is fully accessible.

Can I share communion?

We welcome everyone to participate in this moment of remembrance if they feel it reflects their walk towards Christ, no matter your age, whether you’ve been baptized, or anything else.
Communion is a ‘meal’ we share during the service - a bite of bread and a sip of wine - to remember Jesus's death on the cross, to thank him for the new life he offers us, and to express our unity as members of his family. It’s something Jesus himself asks us to do. You can read more about it on Wikipedia!

Will you ask me for money?

Your presence is all the gift we ask for, especially if you're a visitor – we’re just glad you’ve come. To those who are members of the community, financial giving is one way of expressing our commitment to God and God's people, as well as being necessary to the church’s survival. Many people give online, and there is a basket at the back of the church, but there’s absolutely no pressure for anyone to put anything in.

What's behind your logo?

You may have noticed the cross in our logo – you’ll find the real thing outside the front of the church.

The cross is the main ‘logo’ of Christianity, representing the best news the world could ever hear – that a loving God is making everything right with the world. Through his death on the cross, Jesus defeats death and the evil that created it, offering his boundless grace and forgiveness. Through his resurrection, he demonstrates the new world into which he invites all who trust in him.

The actual cross in our logo was bent into its current shape through an act of vandalism and caused quite a lot of hurt at the time. However, we have come to recognize a graceful sense of movement and energy in the new shape– imperfect as it is - of burgeoning life, coming up out of the ground. It reminds us of the ‘original’ cross, where God stepped into all the brokenness of humanity, and redeems it into something beautiful. Through it, “in some mysterious way that would be hard to explain, everything was going to be more wonderful for once having been so sad.” (Sally Lloyd Jones).

Would you pray for me?

Of course. If there’s anything you would like prayer for, just email Heather